A Memoir- OUCIP International seminar

(I have penned a poem capturing my observation of the seminar at OUCIP)

Osmania Campus was in the news,
for reasons multitude-
some were confused but many mused.

Even amidst the horrendous-
mayhem and chaos,
the yearnings for intellectual unison
will never close.

Persistence pays its dividend!
The international seminar
was a perfect blend -
A platform to share for the learned;
for the learner memories
rich- to cherish and garner.

Endorsing the diligent overtake the test-
David Edgar’s arrival- grand
a great play write- from England,
justified the best.

Prof.Rama’s camaraderie
the stalwarts galore,
contemporaries, seniors and juniors
attracted the assembled folks with lore.

Numb the sense became
to the poetry performance
of poet Sudeep Sen.

The dynamics of chairing the sessions,
we witnessed,
in the perfection of Prof.Ramana
the audience were blessed.

C.T.Indra reminded all
physical dimensions matter none.
humbled by her creative critical acumen,
delegates and participants had
intellectual fiesta- cerebral fun..

Prof.Raj Rao reference is all the more needed-
One among the trio,
in the interactive session,
added flair to perfection.

Osmania University, my Alma mater,
I can never forget-
All these occasions, seminars
And conferences,
are boosters to nourish the roots.
Though many have taken diverse routes
At such gatherings, no one remains mute.

At the end,
I salute the august gathering profusely,
as I am the privileged one to get 
this opportunity to thank exclusively.

                                                  -  Dr.Sandhya Tiwari


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