Left in the lurch
After the IT crunch
Baby-boomers, techies, technocrats
All suffered alike
In many different ways
Appalling salary cut
Severe kick in the family’s butt
Wife was happy
No tension to cook
Company’s pleasure
Everyday lunch to book
Medi-claim, travel allowance
Two-tier, three-tier, and Air fair
Many more were there
Fringe benefits, incentives and sops
Ways to entice and attract
Young, dynamic and the talented lot
All these washed away with great gush
Like Titanic the IT Sector was flush
Worse befell
Month after month
Situation swelled
Once got used to luxury
This became now the misery
Unaffordable hotels, pubs, Inns,
Multiplexes added to the injury
Once upon painted the town red
Real estate share,
Page3, major dos and everywhere
With senses silence they lie almost dead
* * * * *
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