At daybreak when the day starts

All in a great hurry run fast

Men and women struggling alike

Gone are the days where only men strived

Being better-half, the women stayed at home

Grinding, cleaning, washing ….

Activities and chores as such

However hard they worked

No one considered it much

Commented and criticized by mother-in-law

Unnerving tension with unnecessary mention

By finding each single flaw

No less were children adding to the problem

Scattered books all around

Clothes off the shelves found

And to do all these works mother was bound

Added to these are the uninvited visitors

Some with invitations

Causing at odd hours irritation

But all these went in vain

Women worked very hard

Yet, there was no gain

With the advent of LPG

Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization

Women geared up to face men in all situations

Determined, perseverant and balanced women were afloat

Mothers with pride all bloat

White-clad ambassadors to satisfy their thirst

To remain in power popular,

Praised women and placed them first

Suppressed for years souls of the women surge

Equality and justice at every point they urge

Reservation and intelligence merged

Competent and successful women emerged

Pride and ego of many men bloated and swelled

Both the sexes stand at crossroads

Pained out of relationship strained

At home all suffered

The children, the aged and the old

Days passed reminisced and memories written in gold

Life is nothing but sorry saga of pathetic stories untold

Imagine the Years turn and topple

Mother awaiting the Childs return

With a pleasant smile ready to serve hot snacks

Rare it was to bring unhygienic ready made packs

Come festivals and birthdays

Preparations mixed with love and emotions

Not the stale bakery stuff

Faded labels of pizzas, burgers and puffs

Cooking elaborate meals women enjoyed

The small sacrifices of pleasures were thrilled

Times have changed with equality fever

Many a girls are worldly-wise and clever

At the end, tired of trend, look for amend

Many intensely look for past pleasures

Full of jubilance, life as a treasure.

By Dr.Sandhya Tiwari

Associate Professor,English

Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology (SNIST)

Yamnampet, Ghatkesar

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